Sunday, July 12, 2009


Holy crap. This was my 2pm-10pm weekend, but that didn't stop me and two of my work cohorts from hitting up the movie Brüno for an opening night 11:20pm showing on Friday. The success, astonishment, and utterly ribald classic of Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan was a Sacha Baron Cohen treasure. Expectations were indeed set very high.

The trailer:

So. Where to begin? Besides being REALLY self-conscious about my penis size now? Full frontal to say the least! A film to make the homophobic squeamish. A film to make you question how you view others who are "different". A film to take the ignorant and box them on their ears.

A little more spastic in storyline as opposed to 2006's Borat. It seemed Cohen tried to "do too much" and insert Brüno into too many stories. The schwarzenballing from the Austrian fashion television scene. The loss of Diesel, his dwarf lover. The pining from Lutz, his assistant's assistant. The coming to America. The trading for an African baby. The attempt to become straight to become an A-list celebrity. It just seemed like too many goals/storylines as opposed to Borat traveling across America to meet Pamela Anderson.

The film uses caustic humor to force inward reflection and thought. To the nth degree. Unbridled raucous laughs to produce social discussion. Cohen intrigues to say the least.

A teetering Full Price score from me.

Now what time is my next anal bleaching appointment?...

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