Thursday, August 13, 2009

NC HB 392...four years later

August 13, 2005 - North Carolina "Pops the Cap" with HB 392 and the beer world rejoices.

Time flies when you're enjoying the finer things in life, like locally brewed barleywines, imperial stouts, double IPAs, and the like. Four years. FOUR YEARS!!!! Today I brought out my bottle of NC's FIRST post-cap brew: Carolina Brewing Co.'s "Old 392 Barleywine". My last bottle. Won't drink it today. Just wanted to look at the label and produce a warm smile. I'll probably hold onto it for Year Five and do something special with it at whatever celebration that may occur then.

Celebrate grassroots legislation today. Celebrate North Carolina craft beer. Celebrate the cause of Joe Citizen contacting their legislators to produce valid change and MAKE A DIFFERENCE with respect to their passion. Raise a pint high.

Sure, it may be "just beer" you say. But regular people changed an archaic law. Regular people made pilgrimages to Raleigh. Regular people sent out mailers. Regular people made phone calls. Regular people attended fundraisers. Regular people told the government YOU WORK FOR US and this is what we want you to do.

And with that, any change is possible.

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