Thursday, May 1, 2008

Mission Accomplished (for these sailors on this ship on their mission)

Terrible how that not-specific-enough banner on the aircraft carrier FIVE YEARS AGO TODAY has resulted in the administration paying such a steep price, huh?

Far too often than should be legally allowed, sometimes we're just SICK to our stomachs. Sick. Infuriating.

"Sleep well, Mr. President."

1 comment:

Me is a pronoun. It is the objective case of I. said...

Whether it is a hotel break-in, an arms for hostages deal, a fling with an intern or an ill-concieved banner: It ain't the act that gets you into trouble, its always the cover up.

I guess there is no learning curve for whomever occupies The White House.

I wonder what idea, scheme, etc. will haunt the next president?

