Friday, May 30, 2008

My afternoon changed in a heartbeat. It was Friday, sunny, 3:00. The doorbell rang with a quick burst of anticipation...

The first few books in the Hard Case Crime novels arrived today. Hooray! Pulp fiction lives!

The first in the series, Grifter's Game, is a mere 205 pages, so I'm sure it will be consumed with famished recklessness.

There was no mistaking the taste, not now, not after many years. When you work in a racket, even briefly, you learn what you can about the racket. You learn the product, first of all. No matter how small your connection with the racket or how little time you spend with it, this much you learn. I had played the game for two months, if that, in a very small capacity, but I knew what I had on my dresser. I had approximately sixty cubic inches of raw heroin.

Oh these are going to be fun!

1 comment:

Me is a pronoun. It is the objective case of I. said...

Another good pulp fiction writer is John D. MacDonald. His most famous character is Travis Mcgee...a full time beach bum and part time "Salvage Consultant"

I've got a majority of his Mcgee books if you want to try a few.

