Thursday, February 7, 2008

Eastern Promises

Viggo Mortensen is up for Best Actor honors, so Eastern Promises, a film originally ignored in theaters by the Gordons due to its unadulterated violence, is fired up on our DirecTV Pay-Per-View to be properly informed Oscar night viewers. Naomi Watts is a nurse in London who is present when a nameless underage pregnant girl dies in childbirth. (One note: Chris has been a pharmacist for 13+ years, and no pregnant girl has ever hemorrhaged at HIS counter. Sheesh!) Anyways, Naomi's intrigued, so she searches the girl's personal effects for identity clues. A diary leads her to a Russian restaurant, with the restaurant owner's spoiled/immature/violent son and their driver, the aforementioned Viggo. A diary, huh? Well that changes how we feel about you, Naomi....

As Leonard Maltin says, it's a "dark, claustrophobic, and brutal world" that David Cronenberg creates. As always, the trailer:

Well, the violence was definitely in full force here. Watching it today after putting in my time at Walgreens and before Kimberly returned home from work was certainly in order. The baby as central to the plot is evident, the baby as pawn in good vs. evil also is. Working to save the baby, working to erase the baby, working to infiltrate the inner workings of Russian mobsters in London are all major themes, as is to "find a better life".

The Gordon Movie Scale? "Matinee Plus" for Chris, "Avoid" for Kimberly due to the violence. Mortensen was convincing as a Russian, making a Best Actor nod quite convincing as well.

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