Thursday, February 14, 2008

Winter Wonderland

As mentioned last night in the "What the crap!" post, we were hit with a non-forecasted snow "event" last night. Kimberly called on her way home from work in Winston-Salem to say these huge beautiful flakes were falling and the ground was covered. Chris mentioned that she was nutty because there was nothing but rain occurring in Greensboro. Here's the front of her car from her usual-35-minute-turned-75-minute drive:

Crazy. The snow began in earnest at home right before she arrived, and apparently went all night. We woke up to a fluffy movie set scene of snowy wonder. Enjoy our North Carolina snow:

And of course, the worthless local school system canceled classes today due to this horrific quagmire. You'll notice that there is no snow on the pavement at all. But hey, that possible dastardly black ice is a detriment to the education of our future. Idiots....

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