Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Républica Dominicana: Day Eight

Saturday February 23. 2008

Saturday is a day of leisure, our last day to see the sights. The usual plan each year is to travel up the coast to hit some beaches. Most of the veterans opted to stay at the hotel to lounge by the pool, hit the town, and just basically unwind. Us newbies looked forward to seeing the beauty of the coastline.

First stop: a beach whose name eludes me at the moment. No sand, but pebbles and stones and rocks. Fishing boats along the shore. A few rocky formations in the ocean with sprays of white flung into the air with each crashing wave. Peaceful. A boat had come in with a fairly large catch, and Jorge (doctor at the hospital, organizer of mission trips, and our "tour guide" this day) helped clean the fish and bought a few to bring back and cook.

Second stop: a photographic hotspot with breathtaking views of the mountainous coast, bright floral displays, and stunning colors of blues and greens in the water. Wow.

Third stop: a picnic lunch at San Rafael beach, a novel stop nestled in between a freshwater river and the ocean.

Fourth stop: a cold water spa with waterfalls (some manmade) and gorgeous scenery. Breathtaking.

We finally return about 6:00pm for a final group meeting concerning Sunday's travel plans. Dinner and an early night cap our trip. 4:00am comes awfully quickly, so it's the first bedtime with the clock reading "p.m."

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