Monday, March 16, 2009

A busy DC Saturday.

Saturday, we got a touch of a tardy start into DC. A planned breakfast at Lincoln Waffle House turned into a brunch-ish nearly lunch meal. But that's OK. They serve breakfast all day long and maybe further along into the day more grease builds up on the grill giving your meal more full-bodied flavor. It's possible. Western omelet, home fries, toast, coffee, and by far the best sausage patties around. Better than Bob Evans or Johnsonville. Seriously. Lincoln Waffle House hand-molded sausage patties. Divine greasiness.

From the Lincoln at 10th and E, we (all 5 of us: me and the entire Brannon clan) strolled over to 14th and F for some fun and games. Monica and the kids went shopping, and then James and I hit up a dark paneled smoky tavern hoping to catch some backroom deals or heavy negotiating. Well, it's not really happening on a SATURDAY, but the imagination can always work, no? Our manly destination? Shelly's Backroom, described as a, ahem, "civilized cigar parlor". Not too far from the White House, a spot where some movers and shakers have done some moving and shaking over cigars and tumblers of booze.

After one of my contraband Cubans with a couple Sierra Nevada ESB's for James, an Arturo Fuente Hemingway Classic with two pints of Guinness for me, we met back up with Monica and the boys to re-cross our steps back past the Waffle House over to the Newseum. The current rotating display? "Manhunt" . The story of President Lincoln's assassination aftermath and the growing use of the news to spread information and update the public on the fugitives whereabouts and whatnot. Interesting as usual. Original reward posters on display. Mesmerizing.

Finally, we hit the car to head back to Alexandria so Monica could get ready for our date...and by "our" I certainly mean Monica and I. You stay home James and watch the kids! I'm taking your wife out on the town. Well...with two other couples too. I was already ready to go with my vintage ancient flannel shirt and Morrissey t-shirt. That's a clue...

Saturday night indeed topped off the busy day. So much so that it gets its own post....

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