Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Dominican Republic v.2.0 - Tuesday

Dominican pharmacy phrase of the day:
Don't let the docs fall to the bottom of the pool.

Today's trip? The town of Paraiso, about an hour southwest down the coast. "Paradise". Mountains to the north of us with "rain forest-type" trees, and the sea to the south. A beautiful drive in the back of The Big Red Truck.

We set up in a church/school combo. Pharmacy in the church, triage at the breezeway in between, and the docs upstairs in the school. Many more patients today, over 150. We scored a pretty huge table so the working conditions were sweet.

Asphalt streets in Paraiso, no bumpy dirt roads. One enormously sick child had to come with us in the cab of The Big Red Truck to be transported to the hospital in Barahona as she had a mammoth respiratory problem, maybe RSV or a hefty case of pneumonia. Mom and she were in the front and dad followed on his scooter/dirtbike (the common mode of transportation for locals).

The colors of the paint on the dilapidated buildings in town were striking.

Our dinner that night was acquired about the same time we arrived back to Playazul. The fisherman was quite proud.

Afterward, it was plenty more conversation, Presidente, scotch, cigars, lipstick on bald heads, and t-shirts twirling about on ceiling fans. Blackmail pictures too intense for young viewers to post them here in this medium. Regardless of you seeing them, it was indeed an entertaining evening into the wee hours.

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