Monday, March 17, 2008

Guilty Pleasure, season six

We pause LIVE! during a break in tonight's premier to extoll the virtues of ABC's Dancing with the Stars. O wonderful night! Sequins and skin and smoothness with the occasional oaf. The Gordon TiVo is warmed up and ready to go to record some of the best television on earth.

Watch it!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

PUL...LEEZ, although the snow is starting to melt ever sooo slowly in the North country,there is hopefully hope that Spring is just two days away. They say if you spot a robbin, Spring is just around the corner. WELL... I have had robbins flying around the back yard all winter. What does that tell ya? Either they (robbins) don't know any better OR did we really have that bad of winter with measurable 98+ inches of snow on the ground? A point to ponder!

Enjoy your early mowing, while I am still waiting for the ice to melt in my driveway!

Delta Wisconsin