Sunday, September 28, 2008

Day 12, Thursday 09.25.08


A 3:15am wakeup call results in a 4:15am cab pickup for our 45-minute drive to the airport for our 6:50am flight home. Did you know that 160km/h equates to 100mph? We thought our cabbie was going fast....

A flight to Amsterdam, a flight to Newark, and a flight to Greensboro. Layovers. Delays. When we finally arrived home at the Greensboro airport, we had been awake (aside from little uncomfortable cat naps on the plane) for 23 hours and 45 minutes. Almost a full day.

Our trip was loads of fun. It was an experience to remember. But it's good to be back home. Make sure you view all 424 photos here. Yes, we said 424.

Time to plan for our NEXT adventure...

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