Friday, May 8, 2009

Manny gets to sit at home and play Super Mario Bros. for a little while longer

Manny Ramirez was recently hit with a 50-game suspension in Major League Baseball for testing positive for an illegal performance enhancing substance. The word is that it was a female fertility drug.

HUH???? You may ask.

When steroid users "cycle", they will take other substances to help the body along. Sometimes, a female fertility drug is used to stimulate the body's natural testosterone production after a round of anabolics. I'm sure the presence of this female drug in no way, shape, or form is related to steroid use. Riiiiight.... Of course Manny didn't know what he was taking. It was all just an unfortunate accident.

One of the sweetest swings of all time (of all time!) is now tarnished.

Now I'm not saying anything, because hell I'M not the same size as I was in 1992, but he sure looks different from way back when:


Chemgeek said...

"One of the sweetest swings of all time (of all time!) is now tarnished."

Will Clark and Ken Griffy Jr. are my two favorite swings.

And, I always love the "I didn't know what I was taking" or the "a doctor gave it to me and he didn't know it was illegal." Those excuses always come up, and they just don't work for me.

If $8 million was on the line, I just might be inclined to check the list of banned substances before getting a shot.

Ups+Downs said...

Dude...that's nothing...look at Barry's Before and After (I didn't compile these photos but had to share them)

Contessa said...

So you DON'T think he was just trying to get in touch with his feminine side?