Thursday, December 13, 2007


If you've ever been in an office setting, you've most assuredly seen those silly "motivational posters" that adorn the walls to "inspire" the minions to work harder and give their all to The Man. Heck, even when Chris worked for Target he laughed at them daily when venturing behind the scenes in the offices. Here's an example of such corporate drivel:"Confidence: Those who possess the courage to stand apart gain a rare perspective." Gag.

It didn't take long for the sharp website to make a mockery of these, and with quite the witty edge to them:

And one of our absolute all-time favorites:

Classic. Do yourself a favor and sign up for the Despair mailing list. Some of the most biting and sarcastic correspondence your inbox will ever receive.

At any rate, the good folks over at Despair have generated a wildly hypnotic time-consuming device that allows you to make your own poster with any picture, title, and saying you can dream up:
Sheer genius.

Here are just a sample of some we've toyed around with, not being terribly creative and using the actual titles and sayings from Enjoy:

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