Boast of your ethics
Proselytize to your brand of being, of doing
I do not fit your mold
Your manifesto bores, it disappoints, it sickens
I do not adhere to your brand of being, of doing
Beat the puppy, it returns wagging
Abuse the dog, it begs forgiveness
A weak mind clings to your brand of being, of doing
The light then shines brightly
Its white hot luminosity brilliantly blinds
I discard your brand of being, of doing
Preach of loss!
Cynicism thrives in your narrow world
A half-empty brand of being, of doing
Loss. Loss?
You are years too late, I've years ago suffered my loss.
I refuse to subscribe to your brand of being, of doing
A great man long ago instilled pride
An empathetic man long ago instilled love
Until he was poisoned with a virulent brand of being, of doing
A street, a coin, a story: two sided commonality
Remove your irritating cloak of self-appointed righteousness
You alone have slowly woven your own cloth of bitterness, of sadness, of repulsion
....with your particular brand of being, of doing